Sunday, February 28, 2010


Life has a funny way of getting in the way of what you plan to do. Activities and obligations with work, family and friends, while important and often times fun, have taken me a bit off course. I haven't checked one item off my list, so far in 2010.

But it's not like I haven't been busy. Among my activities, I visited a friend in Dallas, ran a 1/2-marathon, celebrated four birthday, wrote one bylined article, caught two colds, made one trip to Tucson, ran a 5K, went to a rodeo, read bedtime stories to children at a domestic violence shelter (twice) and climbed South Mountain. In comparison, it seems like a short list, but it was enough to take me away from my other list, which I now must return to.

Looking ahead to the next three months, I've identified several things I'd like to do. I haven't set any specific dates yet, but I am looking for friends and family to join me. Check out "What's Next?" If you see something that interests you, let me know.

The more the merrier!

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